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Dennis Carlton - Distinguished 校友 2023

The BOB全站 Valley College 基金会 Board of Directors has selected Dennis Carlton as the 2023 Distinguished 校友奖 recipient. The foundation received nominations for 12 alumni from across North Central Washington.

“This award was totally unexpected,” Carlton said. “WVC has been a part of me every 一步一步. College should be a leaping point for everybody. 教育是一种 opportunity to expand who we are and what we are.”

After growing up in Omak, Carlton enrolled at WVC in 1965 and attended classes on the BOB全站 campus since there was no Omak campus at the time. He said WVC professors made a significant impression on him.

“There were 55 Omak students that enrolled at WVC in 1965. But only five of us graduated in 1967,” Carlton said. “I decided to be responsible for myself. 你是男人还是 一只老鼠? That was my motto.”

After graduating from WVC with his associate degree, he went on to receive a bachelor’s degree in education with an emphasis in business from Eastern Washington University. Carlton began his career in 1970 with the Omak School District teaching business classes through the DECA high school business and entrepreneurial program. 他后来教书 business classes at the WVC at Omak campus. Carlton then changed careers from education 业务. In addition to owning and operating a variety of Omak businesses, Carlton has worked as a New York Life Insurance agent for over 47 years, receiving a variety of awards and achievements from the company.

Carlton is known for civic-mindedness, community leadership, small business advocacy and mentoring young entrepreneurs. He has held many leadership positions such as president of the Omak Performing Arts 基金会, president of the Omak Chamber of Commerce, president of the Loup-Loup Ski 基金会, president of Rotary Club of Okanogan-Omak, board member of the WVC基金会 at Omak and chairman of the Omak School Board.

“Dennis has demonstrated time and again a commitment to his community. 他的成功 have been grounded in a strong family upbringing, excellent education and a tremendous work ethic,” said Gary Carlton, Dennis’ brother, who nominated him for the Distinguished 校友奖. “At 75 years of age Dennis continues to be an excellent role model for 所有年龄.”

The WVC Distinguished 校友奖 began in 1975 to recognize alumni who have distinguished themselves in their chosen professional field; made significant contributions to their community on a local, state, national or international level; and have demonstrated integrity in their personal life and gained the respect of their peers. Recent recipients include community volunteer Darrell Dickeson (2022), Eastmont educator Jaime Ramirez (2020), NCW Libraries executive director Barbara Walters (2019), local entrepreneur Malachi Salcido (2018) and City of BOB全站 human resources director Kari Page (2017).