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Transitional Studies 类

No matter if your goal is to complete a high school diploma, study for the GED® tests, improve your English language skills, or prepare for college or career success - our classes can help! These noncredit classes are offered on the BOB全站 and Omak campuses, and at the SkillSource office in BOB全站. Day and evening classes are available. 一些类 are also available online.

English Language Acquisition

(combines ABE English, Reading and Writing with English as a Second Language)

At WVC, whether you are a native or non-native user of English, we have classes at the right level for you,  designed to improve your reading, writing, speaking, listening, 和语法. Our four levels of English classes will help you complete your high school English requirements, improve your chances of success on the GED® Language Arts test, and prepare you for success in college-level English classes.


Our three-level 数学 program incorporates intensive classroom activity with the NROC EdReady online learning platform, allowing students to work at home, between classes, or over the weekend and keep moving. You'll cover everything from basic operations to algebra, geometry, and more - perfect for GED® 数学 test preparation, high school math credit completion, or enhancing your skills for college or career math.


As technology use becomes more important in college, in the workplace, and in our daily lives, understanding the uses and limitations of computers and mobile devices is a skill you need. Our three-level 数字素养 pathway will develop your problem-solving and critical thinking skills using common applications and concepts. 你会准备好的 to confidently use technology in college and at your job.

Secondary Preparation for Equivalency Exams and Diplomas (SPEED)

In our SPEED classes, students work on projects, assignments, and presentations in pairs, small groups, or individually to complete credit requirements for high school completion, or to prepare for the GED® Social Studies or Science tests. Because the work is self-paced, this class is “你的速度”.  Teachers facilitate your projects and also advise you on how to apply your prior life and work experiences for high school credit.

College Learning Communities

These capstone learning events pair an adult basic education professor with a college professor in selected subjects. These classes count not only for high school credit applicable towards a diploma, but also college credit that can be applied towards degrees or certificates here at WVC. Costs for these learning communities vary, and some types of tuition assistance may be available.

For more information on registering for classes, see our Transitional Studies 登记 Page.