


斯科特·贝利在《动态世界》中的视频 的 WVC 艺术 Department provides comprehensive art curriculum with extensive offerings in 2- and 3-Dimensional fine arts disciplines, as well as art history, graphic 设计 以及数字媒体. 的 department proudly welcomes all students with a wide variety of classes that require no previous artistic experience or skills. 技能和 perspectives gained in art classes help people to see and experience the world more fully; think spatially and creatively; express themselves in new ways; gain technical facilities; and better understand and appreciate the work of artists around them.

For aspiring fine artists, our curriculum provides a solid art foundation and opportunities to specialize in a range of disciplines, preparing students for successful transfer 去四年制大学或艺术学校. 我们的目标是为有抱负的艺术家提供 the skills to compete in the fine arts, the opportunity to explore and excel in discrete media, and help in developing high quality works of art for portfolios and exhibitions.

的 various studio art classes provide hands-on experience making art, always alongside talented instructors who are practicing professionals in their fields. 我们也提供 unique interdisciplinary Learning Community classes, such as Drawing/Ornithology and Drawing/Geology, and an Advanced Painting Seminar that functions as a professional training program for exhibiting contemporary artists.

Those seeking employment in commercial arts will find two programs directed at skills 适合各种设计职业. 的 AAS-T in 平面设计 offers comprehensive 平面设计 instruction, preparing students for professional practice in the extended field of graphic 设计 and visual communications. 该项目为毕业生做准备 转到B.A. programs and employment in various 设计-related careers in marketing, communication, advertising and related 设计 fields.

的 department currently offers a full curriculum of 艺术 classes, including:

  • 艺术欣赏
  • Design (2D Design and Color, and 3D Composition)
  • 绘图(初级、高级和图形)
  • 绘画(一、二、三、进阶)
  • 雕塑(三维设计、雕塑一、雕塑二)
  • 陶瓷(一、二、三及高级)
  • 艺术史(古今)
  • 版画(凹版、浮雕、单字)
  • Illustration (I, II, and Scientific Illustration)
  • 平面设计 (10 classes toward AAS-T Degree in 平面设计)
  • 3D数码设计 (5 quarter certificate for Industrial Design, Animation, Gaming 或建筑)
  • Special topics, independent study courses and noncredit continuing education classes 也可在各种媒体.

WVC’s Digital Design Certificate is an introduction to computer graphics, art and 设计.  学生 develop the skills to visualize whatever they can imagine through foundational art classes, bolstered by a suite of 设计 and engineering software: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, 3DS Max, AutoCAD, and Solidworks.

By the end of the program, students create a portfolio that demonstrates their skills, 创造力和技术天赋. WVC’s experienced faculty help students start their journey, whether beginning a career in 3D graphics or drafting, continuing their education, or striking out on their own as a professional creative.

  • ART 132: 3D数字设计
  • ART 133: 3D数字设计

的 WVC 平面设计 program prepares students for professional practice in the extended field of graphic 设计 and visual communications. 该项目建立了一个第一年 foundation of aesthetic and technical skills covering the principles of 设计, creative problem solving, 设计 history, photography, and typography. 第二年允许 students to progress into advanced study of graphic and Web 设计 practices encompassing portfolio building that enables them to put theory to practice. 


学生 learn to effectively communicate ideas and information in a variety of traditional, digital, print, packaging, Web, and other media formats. 他们发展基本技能 through practical hands-on experience, real client project work, a focus on professional 技能和建立工作组合. 该项目为毕业生做准备 for employment in various 设计-related industries and fields, including graphic 设计 firms, publishing, advertising, media/printing/editing, animation, or Web 设计/development. 他们可能 pursue careers such as freelance 设计ers, production 设计ers/coordinators, content managers or publishers, marketing communications specialists, or entry-level Web or 平面设计师.

WVC art students on the BOB全站 campus may join the 学生艺术协会, a student club which conducts activities such as field trips, artist's lectures and 研讨会.
MAC画廊 hosts a yearly series of high quality and thought provoking exhibitions of contemporary art by faculty, exceptional students, and invited professional guest artists from 周边地区. 的 carefully curated exhibitions and associated events enhance the instruction of the art department and work toward WVC’s mission to provide important 为社区提供文化机会.