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Employee 学费 Waiver


Pursuant to RCW 28B.15.558, BOB全站 Valley College is authorized to waive tuition, operating, and service and activities fees for full-time state employees and members of the National Guard enrolling in courses provided by the college.

  1. Special fees will not be waived.
  2. Continuing education and self-support classes are excluded from this policy.
  3. Enrollment will be on a space-available basis after opportunity has been given for regular students to register. BOB全站 Valley College employees will be permitted to register on a space available basis after the fifth (5th) day 类的. 所有其他的 eligible state employees and National Guard members may register after the 7th day 类的.
  4. No new or additional courses or course sections will be created for the purpose of accommodating students enrolled on an employee tuition waiver.
  5. Enrollment information on employees enrolled on a space-available basis will be maintained separately from other enrollment information and will not be included in official enrollment reports.
  6. No one enrolled under this provision will be included in any enrollment statistics that affect budgetary determinations.
  7. Computations of enrollment levels, student/faculty ratio, or other similar enrollment-related statistics will exclude student credit hours generated by enrollments for which waivers have been granted under this policy.
  8. 员工 enrolling on a space-available basis will pay an enrollment fee of $5 per class per quarter in addition to any lab fees required. Enrollment with this tuition waiver is limited to six (6) credits per quarter. 学生 enrolling for more than six (6) credits are not eligible for the tuition waiver program.


  1. Permanent classified state employees employed half-time or more.
    教师, counselors, librarians, and exempt professional and administrative employees of Washington public institutions of higher education employed half-time or more.
  2. Permanent classified and exempt paraprofessional employees of technical colleges employed half-time or more.

Approved by the president’s cabinet 3/28/01
Presented to the board of trustees
Last reviewed: __/__/__
过程 contact: Administrative 服务

Related policies and procedures
None identified at this time