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Standards of Employee Conduct


The college is governed by the provisions of the Ethics in Public Service Act, RCW 42.52. The president is responsible for ensuring that all college employees perform their responsibilities under this act or according to college procedures established thereon.

BOB全站 Valley College is a state agency operated in accordance with Washington 州法律. To protect the public interest, college employees are obligated to treat their positions as a public trust, using their official powers and duties and the resources of the college only to advance the public interest. This obligation requires that all employees:

  1. Protect the integrity of the college by being independent and impartial in the exercise of their duties, avoiding the use of their position for personal gain or private advantage.
  2. Promote an environment free from fraud, abuse of authority, and misuse of public property.
  3. Create a work environment that is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination and 骚扰.
  4. Treat members of the campus community and the community at large with respect, concern, courtesy, and responsiveness.
  5. Protect confidential information to which employees have access.
    The board of trustees directs the president to disseminate this policy and to publish the basic principles of RCW 42.52 (the Ethics in Public Service Law) to ensure that college employees are aware of their obligations under the law.

Adopted by the board of trustees: 9/12/01
Last reviewed: 5/13/23
政策 contact: Human 资源

Related policies and procedures
500.090 Workplace Civility & Respect 政策
500.115 Ethical Conduct/Conflict of Interest 政策
500.125 Intellectual Property 政策