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A. 目的

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that surveys conducted under the name of BOB全站 Valley College or involving its students or employees will be consistent with the mission of the college and will appropriately protect the rights of human subjects in research.

B. 评审过程

The investigator responsible for the survey should review the protection of human subject’s policy 000.250 and procedure 1000.250 to determine whether or not the project requires review and approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). WVC执行官 Director of Institutional Effectiveness provides assistance in making this determination.

If the project does not require IRB review, the investigator shall provide a description of the proposed project to the WVC Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness or the vice president or executive director for his/her area, who will forward the request to the president’s cabinet.

The investigator will provide, in writing, the following information:

  1. A brief statement describing the intent/purpose of the survey project.
  2. A description of the intended participants in the research (employees; students; participants in specific programs or courses, etc.).
  3. A copy of the informed consent information to be provided to participants.
  4. A copy of any advertisements or recruiting materials and/or a description of participation incentives to be offered (if any).
  5. A statement describing how confidentiality or anonymity of data will be maintained, if personal information is to be collected.
  6. A copy of the survey questions.

C. 审查标准

The president’s cabinet will review all requests and will contact the investigator with a decision to approve the project; approve with modifications or restrictions; table the request pending receipt of additional information; or disapprove. 以确保 adequate time for review, requests should be submitted with complete documentation at least two weeks prior to the intended start of the research.

The review will include the following criteria:

  1. Whether the survey supports or is related to WVC’s mission.
  2. Whether the purpose of the survey is explained clearly, and no deception is involved.
  3. Whether the provisions for confidentiality are adequate and appropriate.
  4. Whether participation in the survey is voluntary and there are no negative consequences 选择退出.
  5. Whether any incentives or rewards are reasonable and have an appropriate funding source.
  6. Whether the survey needs to be reviewed by WVC's IRB.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 8/26/14, 5/7/20
Adopted by the board of trustees: 9/11/14, 5/20/20
Last reviewed: 5/7/20
过程 contact: Institutional Effectiveness

Related policies and procedures
000.250 Protection of Human Subjects Policy
300.330 Use of Human Subjects in Instructional Activities Policy
1000.250 Protection of Human Subjects 过程